Living 900km away from Tatooine implies that I have to plan a lot the works I want to do and prepare the technical part from home. You may be in the same situation so you can find here some advice.
You will need to plan the work necessary and the nice to have so get a planning tool or a Post-it table.
After visiting the boat, I made a list of the stuff I need or want to renew on Tatooine. To organize my thoughts, I use Ora App. This app is free and you can access it from different computers and smartphone. (more on :
Tatooine needs some repair the expert identified necessary. Those are the “to do’s”
- New safety equipment
- Sea water leakage on the speed sensor
- Tap water leakage on a pipe
- Fire extinguishers
- New life jackets
- New sealing for the toilets
- New Lasybags
- …

Then there is stuff I want to change on the boat. These are the “Ideas”
- New toilets
- New bimini top and sprayhood
- VHF with GPS position and a small portable VHF
- Solar panels
- Lift for the Dinghy
- 2 fuel filter system
- New Name (Tatooine had a previous name written on the boat)
- Outdoor seats
- …
Then I write in Ora a card for each point and document in it when I get new information or need new milestones.
Order Equipment online

From home I can get quotes and order the equipment which I get shipped at home. There are different shops with a good website where you can find everything you need. I used several times which is available in many countries.
Some equipment you can get cheaper online than in a boat shop if you search. For the engine parts you will have to search on retailer in the industry using the same parts if you want to get a better price. To this subject I will write a post on the double fuel filter system.
Pre-assembly at home
Get the component preassembled at home. In the small workshop for example in your the basement, you can assemble the parts on a support.
You can also test and connect the electronics for example the radio with the AIS system. Don’t forget to get all the wiring labeled. This will avoid you a lot of stress when you will mount it in the boat.

Measurement needed
To order the Lazybags, sails and Bimini top you will need exact measurement on the boat. So, plan this for your next visit on the boat. I put the date of the visit on the Ora-card so I will see it on the schedule.
Ask your retailer which exact measurement he needs to get it tailored.
Then pack everything in the car and get on the way!